Sanoma Learning is one of the leading European learning companies, serving about 25 million students around Europe. In a world that’s changing faster than ever, students and teachers need learning solutions that can prepare them for this exciting future. By combining our educational technologies and pedagogical expertise, we create learning products and services with the highest learning impact. Our mission is to enable teachers to excel at developing the talents of every child by offering them the best possible learning solutions possible.
Our focus areas and targets
We co-create high-quality and motivating learning materials with teachers, fitting the local curriculum
- We follow the curriculum requirements set out by each country in which we operate. Our content is fact-based, and we make independent decisions regarding our content.
- Our methodologies are always based on deep teacher and student insight, combined with our educational technologies and pedagogical expertise. We cooperate with local authors and teachers, and we consult academics and external research to ensure up-to-date scientific knowledge.
- We develop our methods in line with our Sanoma Learning-wide Editorial guidelines. In addition, local guidelines guide the development diversity, equality and inclusion in each operating company and country.
We develop inclusive learning solutions that support diversity, differentiation and equal access to education
- We aim to portray a balanced and fair representation of the students and the society in our materials. We avoid stereotypes, and we eliminate bias and discrimination. We pay special attention to sensitive topics which vary locally.
- We take part in various initiatives in our local operating countries to support more students in their individual learning paths. We work in close co-operation also with, for example, organisations supporting visually or hearing-impaired children or other disabilities, as well as organisations providing materials for minority languages.
We develop accessibility of our content and digital solutions
- Common accessibility components used in Learning’s core digital products will be compliant with the AA-level of the WCAG Guidelines (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) from 2025 onwards.
- For example, all employees in the SL Design System team were trained on accessibility and Sanoma has performed several accessibility audits on its systems to ensure systematic development of accessibility.
We create learning methods that support the Sustainable Development Goals
In order to empower students to respond to global challenges, we develop teaching materials which integrate the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our business is at the core of implementing the UN SDG 4 Quality education by delivering inclusive learning solutions. In 2024, Sanoma lauched a Social Bond Framework which contributes to the advancement of UN SDG 4 Quality Education, focusing on equal access to education.
Our Sustainability strategy scorecard guides our action - learn about our results
- To learn more about our targets and results together with our action, see our Sustainability scorecard.