Vlasta.cz covers all topics tailored for women over their forties. Under the supervision of Jiřina Köppelová, project manager of Vlasta.cz, the editorial staff understands the world of women in their forties, because they also belong to this group.
Vlasta.cz contains not only articles but it is a multimedia platform offering video’s, contests, games, events and many more. On a daily basis, the readers can follow the editorial team on Facebook.
Vlasta.cz shares the name with the weekly Vlasta but works totally independent and has its own concept and target audience.
About Sanoma Media Praha:
Sanoma Media Praha is part of Sanoma Media Russia & CEE (SMRCEE). SMRCEE is part of Sanoma and responsible for the activities of Sanoma's Media in Central, East and South East Europe. It has leading market positions in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Russia. Sanoma is a strong European media group operating in diverse fields of media in over 20 countries.
For more information, please contact (not for publication):
Filip Postulka, Head of Communication at Sanoma Media Praha