An iBooks Textbook is an Apple format specifically developed for the educational market. Malmberg has organized an unique pilot around these iBooks: for the first time in the Netherlands, a teaching method for primary education has been translated for usage on a tablet.

Parts of the methods Meander (geography) and Argus Clou (nature & technique) have been adapted into iBooks for use on the Apple iPad. Five schools received iPads to thoroughly test the applications over a five week period.

“The iPad teaching methods provide the same content and possibilities as the current folio teaching methods and are enriched with lots of extras. The application contains photos, as well as videos and animations. There are exercises with direct feedback and pupils can mark texts and enrich its content. Study cards and an interactive glossary are offered and much more.", explains Geert Geerts, Business Consultant at Malmberg.

Purpose of the experiment is to gain experience with teaching methods on a tablet in a realistic environment.

The experiment
Although the existing content is used in the development of the teaching method, the interpretation of the lessons is left to the participating teachers. During the experiment all five schools are observed and qualitative and quantitative research has taken place.

The applications were also free to download from Malmberg’s website, resulting in a thousand downloads.

Experiment results

  • More than 77% of the participants is very positive about the iBooks.

  • 76,3% sees the iBooks as a good replacement for the current exercise and work book.

  • The iBooks receive an average grade of 7.6.

  • As main advantages one sees: variation in work forms and direct feedback.

  • Main drawbacks are mainly stability of the internet and theft sensitivity of the tablets.

  • Biggest bottleneck for introducing tablets in school are the financial resources and the limited availability of good content.

  • Remarkable is that there are a good number of schools already experimenting with tablets or want to start with it very soon.

If you want more information on Malmberg’s iBooks, please contact Geert Geerts,Business Consultant at Malmberg.

About Malmberg
Malmberg is a well-known and leading educational publisher in the Netherlands. Malmberg publishes mixed media learning systems, educational tools and services for teachers for the Dutch market on primary, secondary and vocational schools. Malmberg is part of the Strategic Business Unit Sanoma Learning.

About Sanoma Learning
Sanoma Learning is a leading European provider of learning materials and solutions in print and digital format. We provide solutions that support teachers in their everyday work. These solutions enable personalised learning and increase teacher’s efficiency by automating non-essential tasks, which frees up time for actual teaching. Sanoma Learning is part of the Sanoma Group, a strong European media group operating in diverse fields of media in some 20 countries.