The Finnish Association of Civil Engineers (RIL) has decided to provide a subscription to technology title, 3T, for all its members from the start of 2013. The agreement will add nearly 4,000 new subscribers to the magazine’s readership.The members of the Finnish Association of Civil Engineers will begin receiving a regular copy of 3T as a membership benefit from the beginning of next year onwards. RIL members include construction, municipal, environmental, and building services engineers, as well as civil engineering students.“3T will supplement our existing membership benefits package and give RIL members a new perspective on industry as a whole. Ensuring that everyone involved in all aspects of construction interact and interface with other areas of industry is very important, we believe,” says Helena Soimakallio, RIL’s Managing Director.“RIL has been one of our long-time partners through Rakennuslehti, and it is great to see Finland’s civil engineers become readers of 3T as well,” says Heikki Nurmela, Managing Director of 3T’s publisher, Sanoma Tekniikkajulkaisut Oy. “We believe that 3T’s focus on technology, the economy, and the workplace will both interest and benefit RIL’s members.”Sanoma Tekniikkajulkaisut launched 3T, a weekly aimed at specialists and decision-makers in industry and technology, in January this year. The new agreement with RIL will add nearly 4,000 new readers to 3T’s subscription base, which currently stands at close to 70,000. 3T’s goal is to become Finland’s leading technology weekly.“3T has succeeded in strengthening technology coverage in the media, and we have received a lot of positive feedback for this,” says Editor-in-Chief Marko Haikonen. “I am very happy to see our readership further consolidated with RIL’s members. Construction is an integral part of life today and RIL’s members will now have the chance to follow developments across a wide range of industries.”In addition to a Friday print edition, 3T provides daily news coverage via the Web site, which also features a discussion forum. Subscribers can also access the entire content of the title on their tablets or PCs.Further information:Heikki Nurmela, Managing Director, Sanoma Tekniikkajulkaisut Oy, tel. +358 (0)9 120 5775Helena Soimakallio, Managing Director, Finnish Association of Civil Engineers, tel. +358 (0)40 550 7706Marko Haikonen, Editor-in-Chief, 3T, tel. +358 (0)9 120 5948 The first issue of technology weekly 3T appeared in January 2012. 3T covers a broad range of topical subjects and trends in technology, the economy, and business in Finland and worldwide – and aims to bring new perspectives to the day-to-day work of technical specialists and decision-makers. In addition to a print magazine, the 3T offering includes online and mobile services. 3T appears 40 times a year and is published by Sanoma Tekniikkajulkaisut Oy, a subsidiary of Finland’s leading magazine publisher, Sanoma Magazines. The Finnish Association of Civil Engineers (RIL) is a national organisation dedicated to promoting good engineering, construction, and maintenance practices and developing the professional expertise of its members. Founded in 1934, RIL’s membership includes over 6,000 graduates in fields such as building and construction technology, municipal planning, building services, and environmental engineering, together with civil engineering students.