Sanoma Lehtimedia's regional papers, Kouvolan Sanomat, Kymen Sanomat and Etelä-Saimaa, are transforming today. Along with the overall transformation, a joint editorial staff has been established. It is responsible for the most important news of the day. The editorial staffs of each regional paper can concentrate on local news. Pekka Lakka is the Editor-in-Chief of Sanoma Lehtimedia's regional papers.
The papers are similar in layout and structure. Behind the layout renewal is Hannu Pulkkinen, who also is in charge of the layouts of Sanoma News' other newspapers. The papers are divided into parts in a new way. The traditional departmental sectioning is history and the most interesting news will take more room. The feature articles are located in the latter part of the papers, so people can read them later, for example after the workday. When the fonts and columns are standardised, the exchange of material between papers is easy. The regional papers will also be more colourful, and they will form a fresh and easy-to-approach entity.
Sanoma Lehtimedia is part of Sanoma News, a division of the Sanoma Group.