Metro free sheet, distributed in the public transportation in the Helsinki metropolitan area, will be renewed on 11 January. The new, more clear and dynamic layout is designed by a Spanish designer Al Trivino. He has designed the weekend editions of The Sunday Times and New York Times, among others."The renewal will strengthen Metro's status as a trendsetter on the free sheet market. The readers will find the sheet easier and more pleasant to read on their way to work or school, Metro´s Managing Director Ismo Uusitupa outlines."Our advertising clients have welcomed the renewal really well," Metro's Marketing Manager Jukka Harjunen tells. "The creative advertising solutions offered by Metro have brought several international clients to the Finnish free sheet, after their good experiences from similar advertising solutions in other Metro editions," Harjunen continues.The new layout of Metro has been launched during the autumn already in Sweden and Denmark.Free sheet Metro is part of Sanoma News, the newspaper division of the Sanoma Group.