WSOY has incorporated its Finnish educational operations, WSOY Oppimateriaalit (WSOY Educational materials) and eWSOY as of 1 January 2006. The company started its operations on 1 January 2006. The new company is called WSOY Educational Corporation. Hannu Laukkanen has been nominated as a president of the new company.
- This arrangement will harmonise the structure of WSOY's international educational publishing operations as the units in other countries are already operating alike. The operation will also clarify reporting systems as well as cooperation between units, WSOY's President Jorma Kaimio says.
WSOY's international educational publishing now comprises of WSOY Oppimateriaalit Oy (Finland), LCG Malmberg B.V. (the Netherlands), Van In N.V. (Belgium), and Young Digital Poland (Poland). WSOY aims to be the leading educational publisher in Europe.
WSOY is part of SanomaWSOY Group.