SWelcom has appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court against the decision distributing of national radio broadcasting licenses.

In May, the Finnish Government granted SWelcom two commercial radio licenses, of which one gives right to a frequencies currently used by Suomen Sävelradio Oy. Primarily SWelcom applied for frequencies currently used by Oy Suomen Uutisradio Ab (Radio Nova). Also Sävelradio applied for a commercial license, primarily for a new frequency which would have wider reception area, and only secondary for its current frequency. Sävelradio was denied a commercial license and has also appealed against the decision.

SWelcom emphasises in its appeal that the Government's original decision was a balanced entity and no question related to a single frequency should be separated for reconsideration.

- If the Supreme Administrative Court decides to send the matter back to the Goverment for reconsideration, we feel that all national commercial licenses should be reconsidered. SWelcom's primary objective remains to have a national commercial radio license currently held by Radio Nova, says Mr Tapio Kallioja, President of SWelcom.

Additional information:

SWelcom Oy
Tapio Kallioja, President
tapio.kallioja@swelcom.fi , +358 10 707 7000