Sanoma Hearst Romania launches a bi-weekly women's magazine: Scrii si Câstigi (Write and Win) and it will be available on the market with a circulation of 75,000 copies.
The magazine formula combines typical topics for women, with crosswords and contests. It is the first Romanian magazines of this kind. A similar magazine, Prekvapeni, is very successful in the Czech Republic for more than 10 years. Being a playful magazine with very attractive prizes that can be won, Scrii si Câstigi brings entertainment and good mood to its readers.
The target readers are women between 20-55 years old, family oriented, that like shopping and winning promotional objects through contests.
Scrii si câstigi will have 32 pages and will be distributed nation-wide.
Sanoma Hearst Romania is part SanomaWSOY's magazine division, Sanoma Magazines.