The first glossy women's weekly on the Russian market, Gloria, will be available at the newsstands all over Russia on Thursday, May 25, 2006.
The launch has been thoroughly prepared. In addition to extensive market research, Independent Media tested the concept in the area of Samara, where Gloria immediately was one of the best-selling women's weeklies in the city.
Being a unique combination of the design, style and quality of glossy monthlies and the up-to-date information of a weekly, Gloria offers a variety of content, ranging from news and stories about celebrities, fashion trends and tips, health and beauty advice, easy recipes and traveling. Gloria's style is lively, easy to consume and inspirational. Gloria aims at the younger, more dynamic and successful woman than the majority of current weeklies, and targets an audience of women aged 23-30.
Gloria will be launched in a "midi" format (190mm х 255 mm) with a circulation of 350,000 copies and a retail price of RUR 20 (EUR 0.71).
Independent Media Sanoma Magazines is the publisher of well-recognized glossies like Cosmopolitan, Men's Health, Good Housekeeping and the periodicals Vedomosti and the Moscow Times. It is part of Sanoma Magazines, the magazines publishing division of SanomaWSOY.