Derk Sauer, Independent Media CEO, has received the Grand Prix, the biggest possible prize, awarded once a year in a Media Managers in Russia Competition. The Grand Prix was awarded to Derk Sauer for business restructuring and preparation for sale to a foreign investor. The winners of the Russia's Media Manager 2005 competition were announced during the Award Ceremony on July 2005.
Tatyana Shalygina, Independent Media Distribution Director was named among the best managers in the Distribution category.
The Russia's Media Manager prize has been awarded since 2001. It has always been considered as clear evidence of professional recognition of the achievements of top Russian managers in the media market. The award was founded by the MediaHouse publishing house and Mass Media News magazine, a professional media business publication.
Independent Media belongs to Sanoma Magazines International, which is part of Sanoma Magazines, the magazine division of SanomaWSOY.