The customer sales services of Rautakirja's Finnkino (movie tickets) and Lippupalvelu (tickets for events) were merged in September 2003. The services moved to the premises of Sanoma Magazines Finland in Pitäjänmäki, and new efficiency was brought to the operations of both parties.
Lippupalvelu has its peak hours when a week begins whereas Finnkino's rush is towards the end of the week. Both used to have quiet days. Today there are hardly any too non-efficient days.
Old phone numbers still in use
- We answer about 1500 to 4000 calls per day and there can be up to 23 customer service agents working at the same time, says Minna Takala, Customer Service Manager at Sales.
- We do not only receive phone calls for movie and event bookings, says Takala. - We also print out internet bookings and post tickets to Lippupalvelu's customers and to part of Finnkino's company customers. This gives variety to the service agents' work.
The calls to Lippupalvelu's phone numbers usually take longer than movie ticket bookings. - Lippupalvelu provides a wide range of events and different ticket groups. It takes much longer than selling just a movie ticket, says Takala.
Looking for new forms of co-operation
The joined service has made the operations more efficient. More synergy is now sought inside the SanomaWSOY Group. The sales service also registers magazine subscriptions and cancellations for the customer service of Sanoma Magazines Finland.
- The purpose is to widen this co-operation between Sanoma Magazines Finland, Finnkino and Lippupalvelu also to cover customer call service, says Marketta Kaario, Customer Service Manager at Sanoma Magazines Finland.The ticket service and Sanoma Magazines Finland are using the same telephone system, which makes things easier.