Movie theatre visits reached record numbers in Finland this summer. SanomaWSOY's movie theatre operator Finnkino had the all time best summer when block busters like The Day After Tomorrow and Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban as well as domestic films lured people to theatres even during the Olympic games.
After a sluggish spring, the summer time (1 June - 18 August) increased Finnkino's number of movie theatre visits by almost 13% compared to the same period in 2003, a total of some 80,000 more viewers.
A promising autumn to come
Thanks to the good summer, Finnkino has already exceeded last year's number of movie theatre visits. Also the autumn looks very promising.
In September, e.g. Shrek 2, The Terminal (staring Tom Hanks) and I, Robot (staring Will Smith) and a number of Finnish films will hit the theatres. In October, the Finns will see The Bourne Supremacy (based on the Robert Ludlum novel) and in November Pixar's The Incredibles. For Christmas, Bridget Jones 2 and Ocean's Twelve as well as some big domestic films will be seen on the big screen.
Movie theatre operator Finnkino is a subsidiary of Rautakirja and a part of SanomaWSOY Group.