Swedish teleoperator Spinbox begins operations in Finland. SWelcom's 2ndhead is responsible for the brand identity and the internet site of Go Mobile service and Rautakirja's R-kiosks will take care of the distribution.
Spinbox offers pre paid connections to mobile phones. Go Mobile is targeted to mobile phone users between 15 and 24 years and is operated in Finland by Finnet Oy. - PrePaid connection offers an easy way to limit the phone expenses, explains Max Söderstöm, responsible for marketing Go Mobile at Spinbox.
- Rautakirja is the largest distributor of pre paid connections in Finland. We believe Go Mobile to be an important addition to our selection. The pricing will most likely interest especially young people, which fits well in our strategy, says Hannu Ala-Aho, Marketing Director at Rautakirja.
Spinbox will also in Finland offer brand specific services. In SanomaWSOY Group these services will be coordinated by the electronic media expert 2ndhead.
- Spinbox's cooperation with MTV in Sweden is a good example of respecting the target group and content when producing a visual look for the service. For example a good magazine brand or homogenous target group would be a good base for creating a new kind of mobile phone service differing from the current ones with its content, explains Pirkko Jokinen, President of 2ndhead.
R-kiosks and 2ndhead are parts of SanomaWSOY Group.