Nelonen’s programming turned out to be very successful in March in terms of Nelonen’s share of viewing.
The average time spent in watching Nelonen in March was 729 minutes in 10+ population, a new record. Nelonen’s share of national prime time viewing (6–11pm.) reached an all-time high as well, 13.9%. Nelonen’s share of national viewing per day in 10+ population was 12.5%, up from previous year’s average, 11.6%.
Nelonen’s share of prime time viewing rose in March compared to both February 2002 and March 2001: in 10–44 population Nelonen’s national prime time viewing was 17.9% and commercial prime time viewing 30%. The figures in 25–44 population were 19.8% and 27.8% respectively.
Nelonen’s weekly reach broke the record in the beginning of April, week 14, when 79% of the population watched Nelonen.
Nelonen’s programming attracted for the first time over 900,000 viewers in March 13, when Finnish film, "The Restless" had 905,000 viewers. Of the 10+ population 20% watched the film.