Our ESG performance is strong

The following third parties assess our sustainability performance and make the assessments on their own initiative. Sanoma is not responsible for their views.

Rating agency Sanoma score Scale Rating within industry Last update
Upright Net Impact +74% from limitless negative % to +100% Among highest decile in industry Q2 2024

CCC to

Above industry average level

Q3 2022

ISS ESG Corporate Rating Prime C+

D to A+

Among the highest decile in the industry

Q3 2023

Sustainalytics Risk Rating 10.4


Above industry average level

Q1 2024

CDP Climate Change
CDP Forest


D- to A

Among industry leaders in climate

Q1 2024

S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA)



Among highest decile in the industry

Q4 2023

Sanoma included in Nasdaq OMX Sustainability Finland Index

Sanoma Corporation’s share is included in the Nasdaq OMX Sustainability Finland Index. The Nasdaq OMX Finland Sustainability Indexes are created for responsible investments and are calculated by Nasdaq in cooperation with ISS, a leading ESG research and service provider. The indexes comprise the top-ranked companies in terms of ESG and are also adjusted for free float adjusted and screened on liquidity to ensure investability. 

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Upright impact analysis: +74% strong positive net impact

Sanoma´s strongly positive Net impact is measured by Upright Project’s net impact model. The model measures company’s positive and negative impacts on the society, knowledge, health, and environment. 

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MSCI ESG Rating Index: AA   

In 2022, Sanoma received a rating of AA (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment. This means we are leading our industry in managing the most significant ESG risks and opportunities. MSCI ESG Rating aims to measure a company's resilience to long-term ESG risks. MSCI Inc. is one of the world’s largest providers of ESG Indexes.

Sustainalytics Risk Rating: low risk


In 2024, Sanoma received a risk rating of negligible risk 10.4  (on a scale of negligible 0-10, low 10-20, medium 20-30,  high 30-40, severe 40+) from Sustainalytics. Sustainalytics evaluates companies according to their exposure to ESG risks and how well they are managed relative to peers and across sub-industries. Sustainalytics, a Morningstar Company, is a leading independent ESG and corporate governance research, ratings and analytics firm that supports investors around the world.

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ISS Corporate solutions ISS ESG Corporate Rating Prime C+ and highest ranked Quality Score in environment and social catefory

ESG Prime Badge.png

Sanoma has been rated as PRIME by the ISS ESG Corporate rating for excellence in management of environmental, societal and governance (ESG) aspects. ISS ESG is a scientific based rating concept, analysing companies’ management of ESG issues based on up to 100 rating criteria. The ESG Corporate Ratings methodology is considered as one of the highest quality and standard setting approaches. Sanoma has been awarded an ESG performance above the sector-specific Prime threshold, meaning that we fulfil ambitious absolute performance requirements.

Sanoma has also received the highest ranked Social and Environmental Quality Score from ISS ESG.

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CDP Climate Change rating leadership level A- and Forest rating solid B

Sanoma was awarded with a leadership level score of A- in the international CDP Climate Change rating in 2023. The scoring varies in a scale from A to D-. In addition, Sanoma has a solid CDP Forest rating of B. Sanoma discloses its climate change impacts through CDP, a global non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. 

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S&P Global ESG Score

In 2023, Sanoma participated in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) survey for the second time and scored 44 (out of 100). Sanoma performed in the top 9% in the Media, Movies & Entertainment industry. (Score date: 24  November 2023)

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SHE Index – Powered by EY

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SHE Index – Powered by EY has been designed in collaboration with SHE Community, a Norwegian promoter of equality. The tool helps organisations assess how far they have come in terms of equality and inclusiveness. It also measures the practices implemented to support change. Sanoma's index score is 81 (2022: 75) on a scale from 0 to 100.

Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner

Sanoma shares (SANOMA) are traded on Nasdaq Helsinki. We aim to transparently report on our ESG metrics and as a result, have been certified as a Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner in 2021. This certification is a signal of market transparency and raising environmental standards.